Let’s Connect!

Contact Kelsey for your Nature Wellness and Colorado Outdoor Activities.

Contact Kelsey + join upcoming Free Air Life Events

Interested in working together?

The best way to get started is to fill in the embedded form and leave detailed information about what type of support you are looking for.

Interested in continuing the conversation?  

I am captivated by storytelling, speaking engagements, as well as podcasts and would be thrilled to discuss presentations or being interviewed on your show!

I am also open to blog interviews, guest blog features, joint ventures, affiliate relationships, speaking opportunities, collaborations, and press features!!

What Happens Next?

Once I receive your form, you will hear back within 48 hours to set up a phone or video call. From there we can introduce ourselves, discuss your goals, group, or organization, and identify some of the ways we can partner together for a more conscious connection!

You’ll get to know me and learn more about prices, the timeline for events, and all the details you need to make a confident decision about collaborating!

Prefer to send us an email directly? Click here to drop us a line!

Are We Friends on Social?
We Should Be!

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